Friday, January 3, 2025

Noblesse Oblige v0.14.0 "The Shadows Within" released to patrons!

The newest version of Noblesse Oblige Legacy of the Sorcerer Kings,  is now available to supporters on Patreon!

Get it here with Patreon access!

Chapter 13: The Shadows Within will release to the public on Friday, January 31st!

v0.14.0 Patch Notes (1-3/2025)

- 104k(!) words of content.

- Significant new section of the story.

- New partial Castle Kharos iteration.

- New combat sections.

- Major optional side section for some routes (those with Somnus who kept Tychus for interrogation).

- Five new achievements for those playing on Steam.

- New level up skills available for several party members!

- Three new loyalty skills (Ariadne 75, Ligaea 75, Somnus 50).

- One new throne room scene (Cynthia).

- New Ariadne art! Ariadne's outfit has been redone by Mimo! I'm very happy with the results of this. A patch to use the old outfit may be added in the menu at a later time.

- New bust art cut-ins for "ultimate" skills such as Wildfire and Power Shot!

- Door customization for the doors in the throne room at Castle Kharos have been added!



  1. Where is rough man who was captured in grove after attack.

    1. Probably in the dungeons in Elysios, since we had no real reason to bring him to Kharos.

  2. Please give a spoiler regarding fighter airship. Like strategos suggested.

    As I understand probably sorcerer siege engine primary small ballista like in Albion will use in place of cannon and like morden tank or artillery shell they will explode or like something when hitting and done a great damage.

    1. As a note, the explosions of catapult shots has kind of been a dramatization of the effect. We don't generally have the chemistry for gunpowder or high explosives (and if they were truly explosives they'd be doing a lot more damage to walls). Most of it is probably closer to Sindarion's firebombs with tar-soaked stones that will burn and maybe throw out globs of fire on impact. Even this kind of fire effect is fairly deadly against an airship since they're primarily made of wood and cloth (plus pitch is often used for sealing ships, and is quite flammable). A fire sorcerer could have a similar effect.

      But they lack the compression wave and explosive force of an actual explosion. I would say the smaller colored catapults in Albion are probably fancier versions of the battlefield catapults we have (more effective but not by a huge margin). It's the trebuchets (the big, square-ish looking ones) we see in Albion and Salericos that are actually superior siege engines, and that Antiochus took away from the ducal armies (except Albion since it was his). Though we also had a hint that Antiochus and/or Antipater was working on some kinda sorcerous ballista.

      Will consider if Theseus and Alexander should discuss airship stuff at some point, though. Probably won't add it to this update, but perhaps in the future.

    2. I have a suggestion regarding fighter airship. As you say in game that wearing moon cloth garb Daphne fought dragons.if dragonfire cannot burn mooncloth then normal fire have no chance.
      For starting you can use standard wooden airship , coated with mooncloth and equiped with scorrcer siege engine.
      Maybe in future when contact established with elven empire you can use mytril instead of woods. It is lightweight, great conductor of mana and stronger than steel.
      What do you think🤔.

    3. A neat thought, but I see three main issues:
      (a) Oak is a heavy hardwood and has a density of about 37-50 lbs/ft^3. Crucible steel has a density of about 476 lbs/ft^3. Mythril has been stated to weigh about half the weight of steel, putting it around 237 lbs/ft^3. This is still -five times- the weight of oak if we take a high end density for oak. This would still require significantly greater lift, and then there's the question of how well the wind could move it. IRL, the shift from wooden ships to ironclads required the shift from wind to coal for a reason.

      (b) Shipwrights know how to work with wood, but not with metal. Specifically mythril can *only* be actually worked by elves, so we would need the exact specifications of each component in advance or to bring elven smiths over (not really an option in general). In addition, metal and wood behave differently under stress etc. so you'd likely need to retool the designs. In essence, you need a whole new shipbuilding process. That's the kind of thing that takes years or decades.

      (c) Obtaining either material in bulk is expensive if not impossible. Mythril is known to be quite pricy even in the smaller quantities needed for armor, so armoring an entire ship with it would be enormously expensive. Mooncloth is currently only made in small batches by one artesian and requires significant effort and time. A cloth covering would still easily be pierced by projectiles, would be easily torn away by the wind, and it's not like it survived Daphne's battle unscathed despite that she was actively fighting (and likely never took the dragon's attacks head on). I would definitely call it fire-resistant much more than fireproof. It still might have some applications if we had some surplus.

      So, while overall it's a cool thought and I could see it happening at some point in the future, it's not really something I see happening in the scope of the story for multiple reasons. And I do think there's a lot of risk in investing a lot of resources into such an experimental idea in the middle of a war, because ultimately even a mythril airship could be destroyed despite the great expense, especially by a suitable enemy sorcerer.

  3. One other thing is what is difference between normal catapult and colourful catapult like in Albion . Or they're for just showing Albion wealth and superiority.

  4. What is difference between normal catapult and colourful catapult like in Albion. is they are for just showing Albion wealth and superiority or they have their technical advantage.

  5. I think you do not care about your gardener count son. 24 hour and all weather he is just standing outside of castle.Rain , Strom ,ice and sunlight he do his work
    In all jobs of kharos why you choose just count or count son only.
    Are they not have there county work.

    1. I would say this is mostly an abstraction for gameplay purposes, but eh, I'll add some dialog making it clear in game that he's just there when you might need him =P Also an umbrella for rain.

  6. At banquet hall entrance I don't like those tiled pools. Can you change them with light pool or add their settings option like garden pool. Pls

    1. Hmm, would be a pain to preview as things stand, but will consider if there's a good way to add them to customization.

    2. Thanks . I like Albion designing very much . So if you add their walls , pillars and ralling alongside pool just like you add salariocus and mage tower design . It will become great.

  7. I am playing this game second time and currently in city of merchants. I want to ask you two questions.
    1. What is official banner of versilia
    .I see 3 banner 2 same design one is red another is black and another red slim red banner.
    2. We have weapons for hetairoi but I think you also need to design for something for Alexander .
    In caste kharos we have royal smith, order of alivae, and chalcis . I think they can design something like dawnfrost for Alexander. Which Alexander can use just like his father used avestri.

    1. There are several versions of the Versalian banner; the red and gold one we use, the black and gold one Antipater uses, and the slimmer red and gold ones you see in Elysios. This is partially a function of assets, but I do think it also makes sense that, in a pre-modern era, the banner isn't fully standardized. The kingdom's coat of arms is the one you see flanking the game's title, though. I've considered trying to add this to at least some of the in-game banners.

      As to the second... I have plans =P It's a bit of a theme that Alexander's custom equipment comes through the plot rather than being something you have to commission, though.

    2. [Well, through the plot or through stat rewards. But in this case, expect the plot XD]

    3. Plot do you mean someone plotting against Alexander or you mean defeating antagonist and get their weapon like magister staff or sun blessed clock.

    4. Ah sorry, by plot here I mean "it will happen as a part of the main story."

    5. Is this part come after defeating antipater or earlier . I guess if it weapon is avestri then it is only available after occupying albion.Only Alexander and Somnus don't have his own custom weapon and armour.Ligaea and Cynthia even have their imported weapon like elven bow and 3 polaxe.
      In banquet hall fight you show honour guard in duchy armour even you introduced them in elite armour on landing site. Also During banquet at left stair you placed royal army soldier along the stair but in right you placed one near stair and one far distance that he hides behind wind lady statue.

    6. Time will tell, of course, but I would tend to think before. As you note, he's a bit behind there (and Avestri is a greatsword, so not something Alexander could easily use). Suffice to say, I have a plan =P

      The latter two should be fixed in v0.14, unless you're playing on that version.

  8. Maybe you should expand the barracks , add some more soldiers room and a point make impossible to pass just like Albion but most importantly add a office for Strategos Theseus.
