Friday, September 20, 2024

Noblesse Oblige v0.13.0 "Meetings and Partings" Patreon release!

 The newest version of Noblesse Oblige Legacy of the Sorcerer Kings,  is now available to supporters on Patreon! 

Get it here with patron access!

Public release will be on Friday, October 18th!

v0.13.0.5 "Meetings and Partings" Patch Notes (9-20-2024)

- 54k words of text.

- Significant new section of the story.

- New combat sections.

- One new intimate scene for those with the optional patch.

- Four new achievements for those playing on Steam.

- New level up skills available for several party members!

- New art for Ligaea! You will have the option to swap to this art when continuing from the Temporal Rift, or can change it at any time from the System menu. The patch for the original art can still be used. New art by Mimo.



  1. I'm glad Ligaea got an even newer version, looks good (especially since the style now matches Alexander's new portrait). It definitely fixes the complaints I had with the last new version.

    If enough people like this artist's style, do you plan on updating other characters portraits in the same style eventually? Anyways, having the option to switch between the different styles is an appreciated feature as well.

    1. Glad to hear you like it! Yeah, I think it came out quite well, and the style matching is nice.

      I'm pretty happy with most of the main cast's portraits at the moment, they're basically the best of the assets I have used in the game. I won't rule out the idea that I might consider that at some point (and I have something in mind in the near term that should be interesting), but overall I don't think it would be a good use of limited budget and artist time to consider that when there are a lot of things more in need of attention, such as more varied soldier portraits for the different duchy, or perhaps new art for some of the characters who are most limited by their existing assets (King Anselm comes to mind, as someone I don't even have a bust for). So, while I won't rule it out, it's not something I'm currently planning for.

  2. Still from last version, but when Phoebe records the elve elders suggestion for elven soldiers Alexander says "these note should be more than sufficient". Missing an s at the end of notes.

    1. The new sorcerer at the Tower in Kharos says "Nausicaa and I used to be somewhat of a pair rivals" when proposing the Tournament. I think it should be "somewhat of a pair of rivals".

    2. When picking up the daggers for Sindarion, the smith says "do don't go losing them again". I think it should be either do not or don't and not do don't.

    3. The Market Manager in chapter 11 says during the quest A common Touch "I can't say I was sorry to see Grenadios's store go, since he was my completion". So either it should be "competition" or they were both in a romantic relationship and he's happy it's over for some reason.

    4. Hah XD That last one is pretty amusing

      Will get these fixed, thanks!

    5. While adressing the syntheros plant shortage Lord Soren calls it sytheros at one point. "The merchants there have taken advantage of the shortage to sidestep the law and sell sytheros widely."

    6. Nevermind. Sytheros is the correct one.

    7. In Siegfrieds conversation with the Ekestrian Princess he says "if you find that have need." Which is missing a "you".

    8. In chapter 12 doing all the quests in Thessia gives you the achievement to "ambush all 4 would-be-ambushers". I do not think this is correct.

    9. In chapter 12 you get the quest to "Locate Medea and ensure her safety" already when you are exploring Karalos house, which is a bit of a spoiler.

    10. In the second section of Thessia, the greeter lady in front of the tavern still stands where the last cutscene left her off, instead of her usual spot.

    11. Guardians Blade doens't seem to work. I used it with Ariston on Medea and she still took damage from attacks and even died.

    12. Hmm, very strange to the latter. Which attack penetrated it? I've been using it consistently on her and not had any issues with it intercepting attacks (at least, until it wore off). Will have a look at the other issues.

    13. Combat goes rather fast, I didn't catch the name. But I think it might have been the attack from the archer, she was targeted by him. But the Guardian's Blade description says it should block all ranged attacks as well.
      Btw. little feedback, beguile feels pretty underpowered now. I know I gave you the suggestion to introduce a chance to hit for it, but having it be possible to fail even against a simple grunt soldier wasn't exactly what I had in mind, that was more my thought for elites and bosses. Feels pretty bad to fail and waste attack even while trying to just charm a simple grunt feels pretty bad. And the charmed soldiers aren't even particularly strong anyway.

    14. Hmm. It definitely intercepts fixate attacks. Is it possible it just expired? It does have a duration, and I know I had it run out a few times in those fights before I necessarily noticed.

      Re: Beguile, note that all the soldiers in this section have a buff that decreases its effectiveness. This isn't the planned balance going forward, more "the soldiers in this section were sent to hunt her specifically and so are wary of it." I'll consider adding a line of dialog calling attention to this, though unsure if it would be too heavy-handed between the buff itself and the soldier resisting it in the cutscene.

    15. There's an r too much in the description of Karolos Cover ability.

    16. No It didn't run out, I had just cast it. (It triggered before the attack, not after, The symbol was displayed on Medea's portrait.)

    17. Now it seems to work against Archers. The only enemy that was in the fight where it didn't work and this one is the soldier with a spear. It was the third fight in that section, just before Telemachos joins you. Against a tank, an archer and a spear guy.

    18. Lmao. Karolos Spellward blocks the potion ability of Telemachos. I'm guessing it counts as a spell. Kindof funny to imagine someone throwing a potion to this knight and he just goes "NO" and batters it away with his shield.

    19. I think I may have found the issue with it, which relates to Cover effects (the code is an if/elsif statement that basically won't check Guardian's Blade if there's a traditional Cover effect that could apply to Medea active, so a Beguiled enemy tank or Karolos's Cover will interfere). Shouldn't be too hard to fix.

      ...hahahahaha. That is pretty funny, yes, XD

    20. Hmm. no, not that, it works fine for me under those circumstances... I'll have to test a bit more. Well, glad it hasn't been not working often, at least.

    21. The soldier just right of the statue in Cynthia's room says "glade" instead of "glad"

  3. When I saw new update's screen shot.i think you may add a key to hide dialogue and when space or inter is pressed next dialogue will be shown.

    1. Hmm, just so you can look at the map? Not sure how feasible that is, but I can at least look into it at some point. Might be possible.

    2. In Albion , you may change dinning table colour maybe gold or other but not white because floor colour is also white .

    3. The table is transparent/glass, so it's going to reflect the color of whatever floor it's on. I think the glass effect makes it feel overall pretty formal/high end.

    4. Ok , but anyone will first time see it , it will give impression of not just floor colour but also floor . Maybe you use those mirror which used in castle garden customisation with some less darkness or some whiteness but less then floor.
      I think It will give impression of a glass table .
      Another thing as we understand in game Elyosis is second most powerful duchies and challenger to Albion domination. We saw all Duke lykosian Duke with two court scorcer and arkosian cleon with one but Veronica have none. Or she dislike court scorcer.

  4. Back during Somnus fight, using the ability "draining strikes" caused the box with the character portraits to disappear. I could still issue commands though and after executing the turn, the box with the character portraits reappeared. At the end of the fight I noticed that the top of the screen was in solid grey. I don't know the exact time that happened, but I would guess when Somnus pulls the group into the dreamscape.

    1. Ahh yes, I remember having a similar issue with instant skills once a long time ago... I'll have a look and see if there's anything I can do about it, thanks for the report.
