Monday, August 19, 2024

Noblesse Oblige v0.12.1.2 Hotfix

I've updated the game to v0.12.1.2 to address a crash that can occur when equipping the Waning Crescent in combat. 

Get it here!


  1. I love game . I have some suggestions and questions .
    1. Duchies armour, you can use full helmet as Antioch , half plate as elysois and coif helm as redstone .
    Also you can change different clock and hair colour .in this version you did but some of hair or clock same.
    2 in kharos you can change old wooden door in thorne room, they are like some old storage door not a palace's or castles.
    3 Armour colour riversmeet is County of Albion then why their armour is in just metal colour and not black.
    In west there is only one colour for four duchies but in east east we saw three duchies soldiers and they all have different colours. Even some lykosin soldiers have royal army's armour.
    4. In town gaurd just after capturing kharos or returning to calistre one soldier say good ruler like queen Corrina and king antipater murdered .I think you want to say antiochus because antipater is alive and these soldiers enemy.

    1. Thanks! Glad to hear you're enjoying the game!

      1. Not a bad idea, though right now I'm somewhat limited by the assets I have to work with. This isn't a bad idea at all, though, and I may consider it in the future. A note rewarding cloaks and tassels: I did change these for the three western duchies. Elysios has black cloak + gold tassel, Arkos is gold for both, Redstone is black x2, and Antioch uses blue trim for both. I thought this was a good way of tying the western three together, since historically Arkos and Redstone have tended to follow Elysios.

      2. Yeah, I'm thinking about adding doors to castle customization next update. They do stand out a bit.

      3. I used grey here partially just for thematic reasons (they're unaligned at the moment), and also for some differentiation. But at the same kind, it kind of tracks that, if Hektor has been trying to keep his soldiers out of the conflicts, they aren't quite matched up to Albion standards. That said, it might not hurt to make a unique variant here to keep some differentiation + also allude to Albion colors. Will consider.

      4. Good catch, thanks!

    2. You reply everyone , another reason why I enjoy playing this game even I finish it I play 5 times after king legacy update and Thanks a lot for considering everyone opinions and suggestions.
      I don't think you have limited asset when it comes to knight and comman soldier especially for west.
      What I say in my first Comment that you use more than one helm .armor( or helm because we see only it).

      you use two type helm for elysian knight ( half plate and full plate) and three or more type for comman soldiers .
      I suggest that you use half helm for every elysian knight and soldiers coif helm ( who cover their chicks ) for every comman soldiers.

      For albian knight I suggest you to use of roman style helm which we can see during their blockead on calistren path and gaurding antipater room and single type for comman soldiers whichever you think right.

      For Antioch you can use full helmet for knights and soldiers heavy helm for common soldier.

      For redstone I think you use red clock just like older version.
      For knight coif helm and for comman soldiers cap helm is right and for arkos use same as redstone for the time being because they are not known for their military and redstone is known as skirmishers .lowest after arkos in western duchies.

      For lykos you can use later albian helm for kinght which we see when ariston infiltrate

      Another suggestion maybe you should add like lykosian elite knight for every Duke and Duchess protection in royal army Armor Just like kings myrmidon.

    3. Haha, I do try. I appreciate people who take the time to engage with my work, and I try to extend the same courtesy to them. You're welcome!

      To be clear, are you talking about mapo sprites or portraits? I don't really want to change the system I've used for portraits since I think it would be confusing, and also it clearly differentiates soldiers from knights. But if we're talking on-map sprites, then then is something I'm more willing to consider doing, since right now soldiers are only differentiated by their portraits. So, I'll give this some thought. And yeah, more ducal guards isn't a bad idea. Will consider if I want to/how to handle that.

    4. Yes I am taking about portraits, I just say you need to use only one type for every knight for same duchies . In game I noticed 2 type of portraits for elysian knight and these two also for Antioch knights.
      Elysian comman soldier use every three type of portraits .
      So I just say you need one type for one duchies and another for another duchies .
      And yeah I am not saying you use same portraits for knight and comman soldier.
      There is a quest in which we know every duchies have a unique armour for it soldier and knight. so if we saw two or more duchies soldiers with same portrait I think it's not make sense. You use enough type of soldiers portrait in game so I think it's inappropriate to use two or more type for same duchies and it becomes more inappropriate to use same portraits for two or major duchies.
      On Map if you manage than I think it would be good but for time being you need to focus on differentiation on portraits.
      I am not saying you should do it for next update.whenever you manage I think first you need to fix this .


    5. Hmm, we may just need to disagree here. I think it would be too confusing to change the existing conventions do something like dividing up the ones I've already used for Elysios to represent different duchies. Moreover, we see Elysian soldiers the most of the ducal armies, so I like having a bit of variety for them, which I would lose if we did this.

      I did originally have a set that I was going to use for Albion knights (the one you mention, that was used in the pass to Calistrae) but I just found that it stood out too much even compared to the somewhat mixed art style of the game. I may at least reconsider that one in the future. But overall, they -are- different right now, using the armor colors and trim colors. I don't think it would hurt to explore if there are more varied assets around somewhere that I could use, because I wouldn't mind having more resources to use for differentiation, but I don't think reassigning ones I've already used is a good idea even if I wanted to. I may at some point consider commissioning some new soldier portraits for the duchies that don't have them.

  2. Hi , I love game I just want to know that when Elite honor gaurd active , will they like to be myromidon , because I dearly wishes. In training session you point out that Elysian army use shield very well that in some point they surpassed myromidon and some point they slightly lack of fall behind. Maybe 🤔 when ariston return he teach honor gaurd how to use shield more efficiently .
    Any way more to point we have both resource and skilled men and Antipater have already myromidon so why can't our protagonist have his .
    Antipater's myromidon just sitting in Albion but Alexander's fight everytime with him so they deserve myromidon upgrade. Yes we don't have myromidon shield but have Royal army and many duchies . Ahh I mean In map display when mhen myromidon carrying shield and sword.

    1. Glad to hear!

      Hmm, that's actually a good idea that I hadn't thought about. I was going to upgrade them to the sprite style of the Royal Army, but I hadn't considered that the shield style would be more appropriate, especially after the scene with Stelianos. I think I'll be doing that, thanks for the thought. ^^

  3. I'm currently replaying and found two little things in the City of Water section. For one, Telosians door doesn't have a black square behind it, so during its animation it opens to reveal a brick wall.
    Secondly during the Audience with the King, just after King Anselm left the room, Antipater says "Then allow me to be equally clear. I consider you a patricide, and I care not for that tired ancient law when my lineage is the legitimate one."
    I consider you a patricide sounds ... weird. Is it just some formal old timey speak? Because it's not I would say "I consider you guilty of patricide, ...." fits much better.

    1. Good catch on the door, will fix that.

      The latter is generally an older style of saying it, yeah, with patricide as a noun to refer to a person (actually the first sense listed here: ). I was originally going to use "parricide" there, since that one is used exclusively in that construction, but I thought it might be a bit too obscure/unclear.

      Thanks for the reports, either way!

    2. In the Anselm cutscene at the end of chapter 4, the brown haired knight says "I'd hate to hate to bring that pretty girl the news." One too many "hate to" I suspect.

    3. When Alexanders council discusses using the rite to ascertain Sindarions guilt, two of Alexanders textboxes is placed in the middle of the screen as opposed to the bottom of it. In the first textbox he says:
      "... this is not the time to argue such things. Regardless of the past, I will deal with matters as they stand now. If you give me your word upon the honor of your order that this rite you speak of is real... then I will give"
      The other textbox is the one right after it.
      In the same scene later Calysia says: " is not my place to say if she poke true, but there can be no doubt she possesses powerful sorcfery magic, much like yourself and your father." For one sorcery shouldn't contain an f in it. Secondly saying sorcery magic sounds a bit ... redundant. It's like saying magic magic.

    4. Good catches there too. The latter was probably supposed to be a full replacement of magic with sorcery since I've tried to do that in many cases. Will get these fixed as well, thanks!

    5. [And the Anselm one should be "hate to have to." Ack, and I used that on on steam too, gotta update that screenshot XD]

    6. Another thing. In the "Trade and Diplomacy" proposal, the description reads "contacts with other lands woukd please the nobility". There should be an l in would instead of an k.

    7. If you forbid belicose advertising the merchant responds with "...fie. Well I think you're making a mistake..." n missing in fine.
      If you check the leather workers market stall just before the dukes arrive, Despoinia comments on it, despite not being in the party or a support member. In fact, she's sitting next to the vault at that point. More of a nitpick.

    8. Fie is intended, basically an archaic word used for grumbling. Thanks for the reports on the others, will get them addressed!

  4. Phoebe is a vampire! Gasp! I kid. Another nitpick: When you leave dukes banquet, Alexander and Phoebe briefly walk next to the pool in front of the hall, where Alexander gets a reflection in the water, but Phoebe doesn't. It's only for about a second. Not really something I think that needs to be adressed, I mostly mentioned it because I found it funny.

    1. Curses, you've stumbled on the true mastermind behind the corruption in Arkos. My careful planning, all for naught! T_T

      Hah. XDI can probably actually fix that pretty easily, so might as well. I forgot that I left that water reflective since most of the water reflections ended up more trouble than they were worth, but adding one for her there should be fine.

    2. I got the Ligaea Achievement to kill an enemy abover 90% with one Power Shot even though the enemy didn't die. I shot a Suntouched Priest in the groves at 100% health and he ended up at 3,2%.

    3. Hmm... Looks like I only checked if it did over 90% of their HP and they started above 90%, not if it killed them. XD Will fix, thanks for the report!

    4. Or alternatively just rewrite the description to "Deal more than 90% of an enemies damage with one Power-Shot.

    5. In the Kharos Library, Bottom row, left shelf, Ariadne says "As I understand it, most of the kingdom's agriculture is in Albion and and Elysios, plus herding in Chios?" One too many and's.
      Does learning Wracking Poison have a loyalty requirement for Sindarion? The wiki says he should be in the sparring room after the Elysian Groves, but he's not there.

    6. I seem to double words weirdly often. XD;

      It does, >= 30 Loyalty. Iirc only my Alivaen saves tend to have it immediately after the groves.

    7. Ah. I usually had it despite going with Lorena, but it seems it's because I usually took the Fine. This time I gravitated more towards the other choice, due to prioritizing Ligaea for the Chapter 10 Check.

    8. Curious to see how farming max experience in the riversmeet infiltration works out without without wracking poison. The stun was very usefull there when letting all the Engineers call for reinforcement.

    9. Ahh, likely, yeah. I don't make a super big effort to do that since it's more something I left in for those who enjoy minmaxing than something I see as fully intended, but I was able to do it without tooo much issue even before the Sindarion rework without relying on Wracking Poison when I tested, so I think it should still definitely be doable. Though, my perspective is obviously just a bit skewed in some ways, to be fair. XD

    10. When the party rests just before the Elysian Groves, you can ask the guard guarding the horses to move to the side. And if you talk to him after he has different dialogue. BUT he only has different dialogue if you trigger the dialogue from his left or right side. If you talk to him from the top or bottom he will still have the "Do you want me to move out of the way" dialogue. And you can just keep doing this, having the guy move further and further away. You can eventually even hardlock the game, because he will end up just below Cynthia and if you talk to him from the bottom and ask him to move out of the way again, the game locks and waits for him to move one spot to the top and one to the right, but he can't because Cynthia is in the way.

    11. I don't know how it happened, but I managed to get into the Elysian Groves, into the Phantasmal Forest and Calysia somehow hasn't gotten the "Purge Sorcery" Skill.

    12. Did some more testing. I found another Elite Crusader and just waited around a while until they did the Ardent Zeal spell, but Purge Sorcery still doesn't trigger. Seems like you can only get it if an Elite Crusader in the first map does it? Maybe hardcode it so that the first battle always casts Ardent Zeal very very early, so you can't miss it?

    13. Bah, ones like the first are always a mild pain. XD Thanks, will get that looked at,

      Hmm, definitely a very good catch. Yeah, that event is only coded in the first battle vs an elite. I'll have a look at it and put a force cast, as well as give it to anyone who missed it through a fix in the version transition. I thought they had enough HP that it couldn't be bypassed that way, but in retrospect, trusting that was silly. There's always a way. XD

    14. Actually, looking at the code, there already -is- a forced cast, so you must have bursted him 50%-0% in one turn. XD I'll change how it's handled so it trigger when he hits 50%, as opposed to at the end of the turn, and give him an immortal tag until it triggers.

    15. Damn, I don't remember the battle that well, but I certainly didn't think I did that much damage. Though ... with princes command and Ligaea and Moonshards and Crimson Dance could very well that I forced him down that fast. Could also just give her the skill automatically at the start of the battle or even the map and just leave what's there as something that gives players a hint about it. As opposed to locking the skill behind it.

    16. Yeah, there definitely are ways, haha. I think the approach I used after adjusting should work without fail (I think it would even withstand debug autokill, based on other places I've used a similar approach), though I'll test it to be sure.

    17. Concerning the first one with the horse guard, I remember from tinkering with rpgmaker some time ago that there was a plugin that allowed to read the x and y coordinated of the player character as a variable. Concerning there's only one place where Alexander can stand to talk to the guard before he moves out of the way, maybe just check that to determine when to allow the "should I move out of the way" dialogue?
      Could be in a different version than yours though. Sorry don't mean to talk you into how to code your game, just came as an idea.

    18. Yeah, I was going to change it to a script x/y check actually. XD Plugins are usually for MV/MZ, but I can just pull the values directly with a script call, so we should be able to handle it that way. My skill with scripting has increased a lot since I did the groves section, so I have better solutions now for a lot of things now than I had back then. Though I sometimes make the mistake of thinking like a non-scripter still. Gotta stop that. XD

      No worries, ideas are always appreciated, haha.

    19. Is or was there some way to get 2 Warrior Cloaks for free in the game? I did a new playthrough and don't have the two cloaks, but I swear I had them in my old one. I checked my old saves and yep, I had 2 Warrior Cloaks and the exact same amount of money (Minus one daric for the wishing well) that I have in my new playthrough, so I know I didn't buy them. Since I didn't buy a single thing in my new playthrough. I get them somewhere in chapter 4, between the point where Alexander wakes up after the Ekestrian Princess tries to seduce him and the end of the Castle Town Attack by Medeas minions. I feel like I am going crazy, I can't remember how I could have possibly got them in the original playthrough, but I had them and I have no idea why.

    20. Hmm... Depending on how long ago you played, I may have changed the contents of the chest on the side of Delphin Pass at one point? I feel like that originally had a It's possible the other one came from setting Sir Leonidas' starting cloak improperly and leaving it in your bag instead, which I've since changed to a different implementation with his custom gear.

    21. Strange. Because I don't have the Warrior Cloaks in the save that is during chapter 4, way after Delphin Pass and after Leonidas temporarily joins the party. But I do have it in the save just before resolving the castle town attack. So the only real place it could come from is from the ciarine investigation with Ariadne, the ballroom or the castle town attack itself. And I don't remember any chests in either of those. Let alone ones with 2 Warrior cloaks. I also did not equip those warrior cloaks until chapter 7 riversmeet assault in that old playthrough. Which is strange, if I had gotten them from a chest or quest or something, you'd think I would have remembered to equip them. Strange all around.

    22. Lmao. During the riversmeet infiltration you can accidentally lock yourself out of progressing, by being seen by one of the tower guard, retreating partway down the ladder and fighting there. After the battle Ligaea and Sindarion will teleport on top of the tower to disable the catapult, but the corpse will remain on the lader making going down impossible.

    23. A strange bug at Demetrius Estate. On the ouside there are two guards that patrol the entrance pathway vertically and two guards that patron horizontally on each side of the main entrance. You are meant to take the left path to get inside. The two guards that should patron horizontally don't do so anymore. Instead they stand still at the very end of their path. The one on the right sight stands all the way right. The one on the left side stands all the way on the left. but the light that's supposed to represent the lantern that the soldiers are carrying is still patrolling the original way.

    24. Hmm. I am unsure, in that case. I'm pretty sure Stelianos has always had his own cloak... Oh, any chance it's from the Elysian Soldier in the Ligaea and Sindarion section? He does start with one equipped, so maybe there was an older version where he had that bug happen instead? I don't know if that accounts for the second one, but.

      XD That can be fixed by saving and reloading, but I should definitely do something about the possibility of them dying on the ladders even so.

      Hmm... To be clear, you're just saying the horizontal patrols don't work at all? Or do they stop working after you do something?

    25. The soldiers from the horizontal patrols aren't moving is that bug. You can still initiate them into a battle by walking into their backs, but it's much less of a challenge since they both always just stand there with their back to the direction where the player will be coming from, lmao. So they do still work in a way, you can still fight them. They just don't move.

      Concerning the cloaks, I think that section happens before the Ciarine inspection. Could be the source of one of them though if I'm wrong. Anyway it isn't that important, I mainly wanted to know if it was a bug that I had them and it seems it was and is fixed now. I had previously written to use them in my guide for how to beat the riversmeet infiltration while letting all engineers call for help, but I removed them now.

    26. Very strange. I'll investigate.

      Hmm yeah I guess it does. Had the order slightly mixed up in my head. Either way, I think it's decently safe to say that they were most likely a result of either a bug or something that has changed since then, since I can't think of any other source and they're not in Stormy's shopping guide.

    27. When you decide how large of a force to send to Riversmeet, the indicators for the current values of Noble support and Public support are switched around. I had 22 quality and send a large force. The indicators at the top said:
      Public Support (12) + 3 | Noble Support (18) + 0. Even though my current Noble Support was 12 and my current Public Support was 18.

    28. Damnit. XD; I feel like I distinctly remember fixing that... Ah well. Will get that fixed, at least it's only with the spend morale one and not any of the others. I appreciate all the reports, btw. Definitely enough stuff here that I will update v0.12.x for at least some of them at some point, beyond fixing internally, though the less major ones will only be fixed internally/for v0.13.

    29. I personally don't think these are major enough that you absolutely have a fix for the old version given that a new version isn't far of. None of the problems was really gamebreaking after all.

    30. Probably true, but I've stacked up a few other things that I'd like to fix at some point, so I'll probably fix the bigger ones (the possibility of missing Purge Sorcery, the values being inverted) in v0.12.1.3. I'm still holding off a bit in general, just to see if anything else noteworthy comes up (plus am busy testing v0.13) since, as you say, nothing-super- urgent so far.

    31. There will probably be still some incoming. I am not yet finished with my first replay and I am planning more.
      On that subject: The Grimoire saleswoman in the Kharos Town Market has the following dialogue: "I heard the head sorceress of the Royal Army arrived today... I think I should probably consider importing more exotic grimoires, there's definetly a market here at this point." She shouldn't be saying that already, I am still in chapter 9. She should only say that in chapter 11.

    32. kk, sounds good.

      Yeah, that was one on my semi-urgent list that someone else reported too since it's a bit of a spoiler to have that page early. XD'

    33. Very minor, but when Ariadne and Lorena train to keep harmonize their magic, the animation for the fire-spell shows up on the tile between Lorena and Ariadne, instead of on the tile where the training dummy is located. That's where Lorena's ice spell animation shows up and that seems to be the intended target for them.

    34. Hmm I think I made a map version of the animation to fix this for a different scene, so should be an easy fix.

    35. Ariston's ability "Shield Charge" contains the words "Requires Myrmidon's Guard" twice in it's description.

    36. Fatetwister of Medea is supposed to be Spell - Voice Art - Spell - Voice Art, right? Because it's described that way in the tutorial, but in the passives description itself it states more like Offensive - Defensive - Offensive - Defensive. And while most Voice arts are defensive and the spells all seem offensive. Voice Arts like Beguile and Dissonant Voice sure sound offensive. But at least Beguile does seem to count as a defensive voice art by fatetwister mechanics in combat. Is that correct or should it be differently. A bit confusing would be good to update either the description or the tutorial, whichever one is wrong. Or maybe I also just read something wrong.
      There is definetly a visual bug. If you use beguile after using a spell, both fatetwister symbols appear on Medea at the same time.

    37. While Beguile does seem to work as a Voice Art, Dissonant Voice does not. So it is Defensive - Offensive?

    38. Yeah, I think you're right, I should probably reword it to be offensive/defensive or something along those lines. I did plan to split it between the spell categories, but it ended up feeling weird for Dissonant Thoughts to consume the heal buff, and then I added Draw Power during the testing and I never updated the desc to fully reflect that.

      I think Beguile counting as defensive is probably better? I might consider lowering its default success rate past the intro, and letting that buff be consumed to up the chance to 100% so it benefits from the mechanic? Lowers the risk of her being OP a bit too, if she ever joins the main party.

    39. So after a bit more testing, it seems that Dissonant Voice counts as offensive, but beguile counts only as defensive. But will cause a visual bug with the fatetwister symbol if it is used correctly (As a defensive spell after an offensive spell). I can't tell if the bug with the fatetwister symbol is just visual or also mechanical. I don't think I have enough battles left to test that.

    40. The buffs are mechanical, and yeah, I think it does leave you with both. Whether or not I do the percentage change noted above, I'll be sure it consumes the defensive fatetwister buff.

    41. Might be good to put a "Defensive" or "Offensive" descriptor in the spell descriptions either way. Intuitively I would say casting a spell at your enemy like beguile is offensive. But I can understand why you would classify it as defensive as well. So best just to not make players rely on their personal intuition and put it into the description. I don't know why beguile would be OP in the main party. It has a long countdown and Somnus already has a very similar spell. I think she would be much stronger in the main party when she actually has allies that she can apply buffs too, as opposed to the section in chapter 9. But I don't think Beguile is too much of an issue right now as long as you can't use it against bosses or someone like that.

    42. Or maybe something like: It has a percentage chance, but most enemies are just at 100% and easy to charm. But stronger enemies have less and less chance to be suceptible for it. And/or maybe they reduce the amount of turns that it works on them?
      I am personally not really a fan when bosses are just completely immune to skills.

    43. Might not hurt, yeah. I think I'll classify as Offensive/Support.

      I tend to treat it as defensive (or rather, support) there just since (a) doesn't cause damage and (b) in general, it's more useful to be able to proc that half of Fatetwister with it since it uses the same resource as the buffs.

      My main concern is actually that you could have two controlled enemies using her and Somnus both. I personally know that I tend to undervalue CC, but others have pointed out that it's stronger than I tend to think (mainly, I value AoE highly so breaking AoE seems like a big cost to me). I do think she'd be stronger with more of a party to buff, yeah, which tracks as a bard archetype of sorts. That part is intended. XD I'll give some thought to whether I want to do the % thing or not.

      I do like the idea of a more limited duration/proc chance on more elite enemies. Bosses will (usually) be immune to Beguile/Enthrall just because they're not true mind control and anyone with a strong will can shrug them off as seen in the story (plus I think that one would risk breaking fights), but you've probably(?) noticed that I do tend to let some bosses be vulnerable to stun/disarm to a lesser extent than normal enemies, and all other status work as normal. Most boss fights also include adds who you can use the control CCs on (I try to make most bosses be a fight of similar numbers to the party just so it doesn't feel like we're 5v1ing them :X), so I think that's a decent balance where they're not useless in those fights.

    44. Most other* (Well, some are immune to freeze too, but I've addressed that by causing damage if the freeze doesn't take).

    45. As ever. You can hardlock yourself in the discussion with the royal army officers. If you tell them to wait for you, Alexander will take a step back. There's a few places where Alexander can stand where he cannot take a step back, because his back is against the wall, resulting in the game hardlocking as it keeps trying to make Alexander take a step back.

    46. Hmm yeah should set that to skip if can't move. My perpetual nemesis. XD

    47. A fairly minor one, but I noticed some patrol collisions. In the bottom spot where the main street from salericos castle splits up to lead to the siegecraft workshop and the bar, on the left side two red and one gold soldier can somehow find themselves in a collision where none of them can continue moving and do the control. Likely partially caused by me interrupting the soldiers while they moved. Have no idea how exactly it happened though. I do have a savegame of it having happened though if that helps and you have a place for me to send it to.

    48. I appreciate the save offer it, but I actually reworked the method I used for those guys' pathing internally for v0.13 so we should be good. The pathfinding script I used there turned out to be very unreliable, so after improving the method I used in Arkos, I backported it to them. So, should be fixed next version.

    49. Probably not relevant but I noticed after finishing chapter 10 I got briefly transported to that end of current version screen and immediatly sent forth to the next chapter. This never happened in any other version with any other chapter transition before. Normally you only get transported there if the current content is done, so I figured I mention it. Seems strange since I did this whole run on this version.

    50. There were more retroactive changes than usual after v0.11, so I left that in when I usually don't. I'll probably be phasing it out in v0.13's public release, though, yeah, since it feels odd.

    51. Beginning of chapter 11 Ariston says "We may need to meet necessities like necessities, but..." Could be a repetition mistake. Could be a term of phrase I don't know.

    52. It's the latter, particularly a bit of a Shakespeare allusion. ""Are these things then necessities?
      Then let us meet them like necessities." I do think the meaning makes sense even without knowing the allusion overall (we should treat necessary things like the necessities they are). Was worth checking, though.

    53. During the shady business quest, you are supposed to talk to a certain number of people to arouse the suspicion of the local gang. But you can just get more "talked to" points by talking to the same person multiple times. I talked to the girl on the bottom right of the district once, then talked to the merchant above her who has dark grey hair and then I checked to see if he has more dialogue and accidentally did so twice and immediatly after the "We talked to enough people" point started and the quest continued.

    54. Hmm, looks like I accidentally left the variable incrementation on the dark haired guy's second page. Will get that fixed.

  5. When count pairods ( one of Cynthia,s vassal) come kharos and he said he can't fight. I think in next update you teach him by Cynthia or Alexander because Antioch is not loyal to versila . If Cynthia's closest friend have martial skills, he can be act like count icarus (regent of elyosis in absence of Alexander and Veronica) and ensure that ekestria or those loyal to ekestria cannot create any chaos and if ekestrian skirmisher or bandits annoy versila he can deal with it in the name of Cynthia.

  6. I love and playing this game since 4 or 5 chapter release .I have two questions
    1. Is war is going to start after Japanese king visit and resolving redstone's bandits problem and maybe one chapter for convince medea and ariston so 3 chapter Or you gonna convince some of eastern lords.
    2. How much time will it take to fully expand Kharos .or I mean chapter

    1. Heya! Glad to hear you've been enjoying the game!

      Answering #1 would be a fairly major spoiler one way or the other, so I'm going to have to "no comment" that one. XD Time will tell.

      Re: 2, I don't have a definite timeframe in mind. I see the castle town expansion as more of an ongoing thing for future Kharos iterations. It will be possible to finish, of course, but that will probably be a ways off. You should be able to start visiting the other districts soon, though.

    2. Before visiting Theseus we have both ballista and catapult.then why in game you say ducal armies have not offensive siege engine . Does it matter of size and mobility because in Albion we saw bigger size colourful catapult and smaller size colourful ballista.
      You might add more statues of alivae in elyosis and kharos just like arkos.

    3. The balista and catapults that we have are smaller and build for defense or troop battles. I am guessing he means that we don't have any bigger siege engines designed to breach walls for example.

    4. If you notice in castle saleriocus , you see same catapult which used by both Elysian army and hector's army and same ballista which deployed on kharos roof. Same color same size . Only in Albion have different siege engine
      On second thought I think currently only Albion army have real offensive siege engine, not even royal army.

    5. This is in part a limited asset issue, so give the narrative more weight than the graphics.

      That said, you seem to be forgetting one. Albion and Castle Salericos both have the large trebuchet models in their armories, which are the type I'd consider to be be catapults meant to breach walls as Amaror suggests (obviously Albion's army wasn't included in the disarmament mentioned at Salericos since it was under Antiochus's direct control). I may have used those as the in-battle sprite for the catapults we fought, but that's just because it's the only graphic I had that remotely worked for in-battle sprites, so beyond my first caveat, give the map sprites more weight. Note that the trebuchets to the left of the Salericos Siegeworks are called out as such if you interact with them.

      I'd also say that the ballistae we have for Kharos's defense are the right caliber for overall siege offense/defense, Kheiron just didn't know about them when he said what he did. In that conversation, Alexander says the Elysian army has -primarily- battlefield artillery sized weapons; I would say that the ones we moved to Kharos represent the exception to that "primarily." I also would say here that ballistae are also something of a middle ground since they're a higher caliber but overall a bit more specialized in purpose so not as carefully restricted, beyond Antiochus not being as worried about disarming Elysios (considering it was ruled by his own lover as regent). To my understanding, ballistae are less effective against castle walls than a trebuchet-type catapult, though they have some important use as field artillery and, in the setting, anti-airship weapons.

      For the scene in Ekestria, that was essentially a small military parade to welcome Anselm back home. Also, note that those catapults were set up defending a wall. There's no reason to use heavy siege weapons in that context, and battlefield catapults to hit attackers trying to disembark from a ship and ascend the hill would be the more appropriate weapon. So, don't take that as indicative of their arsenal.

    6. Also, belatedly, I -did- add the statues I made for Arkos to Elysios City and the castle customization. I upgraded Elysios City a bit in general.

    7. Yes but I request for groves .Elyosis grove is just empty and kharos have just two around iris . I request just like arkos grove have many statues you add in others. Maybe you use different statues. But groves emptiness will remove nonetheless.
      Another request to you is that you remove those wooden chair in strateous Theseus office in kharos and any other places in kharos where it remains after castle modification.
      If you consider it. Thanks a lot.

    8. The Elysios grove has a fair number now, actually:

      The grove in the Castle Town may expand more over time.

      Hm, the chairs are definitely an oversight, good catch. Will get those fixed.

    9. Slightly better screenshot:

      Not to say I might not add a few more details at some point, but I did upgrade it. XD

    10. When did this happen? Maybe I didn't notice. Well I like it
      Another request is maybe it is in appropriate that both Albion highway and calistraen pass have stairs because carriage cannot run on stairs.
      I Know it's not a big deal but I think I just inform you.

    11. It's part of the overall Elysios City improvements I did in v0.12.x. If you haven't seen the city since then, you might want to have a look, I gave Elysios City and Paraliapolis some graphical upgrades.

      Not all of those are 100% the final versions, just the screenshots I had on hand.

      Sadly, I don't really have any ramp/incline tiles, though, at least that I know of, and being able to indicate elevational differences there is important. If I find these tiles in the future, I'll consider replacing.

    12. And also, thanks. ^^ Glad you like it.

  7. Thanks , if you think it's important than there is one another thing I noticed.
    You said that ducal armies of Albion and Elyosis is bigger than Royal army and You also said that Albion army is about 20 , Elyosis is about 15 and Royal army is also 15.
    So I say that you may reduce Royal army to 14 and Alexander get 12 like before and rest 2 for Antipater.

    1. The Elysian Army is 20 army size, our starting value.

  8. If Albion army is also 20 then all six duchies combined army is just 45.

    1. Unsure where you got that number, but I'm pretty sure it was never stated in game. Elysios is 20, the Royal Army is 15. While I never said in game, the Albion Army is 25. Lykos and Redstone are each 10, with Arkos, Antioch, Chios, and Cilicia all being 5 each, for a total of 100.

    2. One of your old comment you mentioned that Albion is about 20 and Elyosis is about 15.I have also 2 questions.
      Is medea able to enchantment to weapons just like chalsis because she is also enchantress.

    3. I think you may be misremembering, I wrote 25 for Albion vs 20 for Elysios in the comment on the v0.11.1.2 post, I just double checked. Also, apologies if I sounded snippy last night, I was tired. XD

      No, she's not that type of enchantress. I used it as her class title in the sense of someone who enchants people because of her Beguile skills, much in the same way Morgan le Fay is often called an enchantress in Arthurian lore. Chalcis enchants physical items instead.

    4. Sorry forgot to ask another question 😂
      In map Antioch and demistrius estate portrait is just like a old ruin . I understand that you have size issues But even if you use a small house for mapping demistrius estate you may use one of cilicia house and for Antioch just like cilicia city in different size and shapes rectangle, square , pentagon .

    5. Hmm, these don't read ruins to me. The cluster for Antioch has a castle and several multiple building tiles. Will consider if I want to change it or add more buildings though.

      Demetrius's Estate uses one of a house on a raised area, which I thought fit given the topography
