Friday, July 5, 2024

v0.12.0.7 "The City of Merchants" Patreon Release!

The newest version of Noblesse Oblige Legacy of the Sorcerer Kings,  is now available to supporters on Patreon! 

Get it here with Patreon access!

The public release will be August 2nd.

v0.12.0.7 "The City of Merchants" Patch Notes (7-5-2024) 

- 80k words of text.

- Significant new section of the story.

- Over 30 new pieces of equipment!

- A new iteration of Castle Kharos!

- Two new areas in Castle Kharos (with the appropriate proposal investments)!

- Receive your first Custom Armor (with the appropriate proposal investment)!

- New loyalty skills/upgrades available (Cynthia, Lorena, Stelianos, Despoina, and Calysia [Alivaen path only, at present]).

- Adjustments to Eris's backstory to address a logistical issue. The revised introduction scene can be viewed on version transition or from the Temporal Rift at the end of Chapter 11.

- Graphical improvements to Elysios City and Paraliapolis.



  1. When public version lanched.

    1. Ah whoops, forgot to include the date for that. Will be launching August 2nd.

  2. Hey, I'm a new player who recently discovered this game and became addicted, especially for the good story and captivating characters. So I've reached the end of chapter 10 and I have some questions, if you can answer them I'll be grateful
    - How many chapters will the story have? With 10 chapters, so much has already happened and we haven't even reached the war with Ekestria, I mean are we still at the beginning of the story? or bringing us closer to the middle?
    - Regarding Calysia, it is obvious that you gain more benefits from her on the Alivaen path, but until when? I mean, are there still chances of winning that scene with Calysia on the Alcinian path, or would it just be restricted to Alivaen? Thank you have a good day

    1. Glad you've been enjoying the game! ^^

      1. The exact number is undecided. I would say we're somewhere in the 20-40% done range, but my style of writing is hard to predict in terms of length. I have the full game planned out, but how much time each part of that plan will take to "fill in" is hard to know in advance. There's always a lot of emergent content. That said, I definitely don't intend to draw things out in places that don't add anything.

      2. The chance for things to be more romantic with Calysia will be an Alivaen route exclusive. In the next version, I've added an extra line around the religious branch choice to make it slightly clearer how strongly she feels about that choice (though, the loyalty skill you can get early next version on the Alivaen route will be available later on the other routes). That said, I'm strongly considering having optional romances that are similarly exclusive to the other two main branches as well (Alcinian/Alcinian with the other optional character too). No promises, but it's more likely than not. My thinking is that you can potentially have at most one character join the main relationship (not counting anyone else who might join in the shared plot), and who that can be varies by route.

    2. So , Are you saying that game will be end with anslem and antipater defeat.

    3. No comment there. It would give away a bit too much to say where things will end or who the final antagonist is XD A lot can happen in another 1mil+ words.

    4. So you mean game will end with anslem and antipater defeat.
      I mean what I understand is avalonia is referring to persinan empire and Versilia is roman .Main hero name is Alexander just like in history. So I guess maybe it will going to world conquest.
      Just like real Alexander father died with conspiracy our game's Alexander father dead is mystery.f
      And I also want to know what is Velonia continent . Is Velonia referring to just europe or whole Eurasian continent because (cyradie) Japan and middle East ( Saravi desert ) are part of it.
      I also want to know is there any reference to porus and his battle with Alexander.

    5. See my other reply on the first point. Regarding the rest... I leave it for you to guess how much of the allusion will be carried through and how much is just for fun. XD No comment on Porus specifically either, although there are certainly a variety of players who could potentially represent such an external power if they became involved. Who can say? XD

      Honestly, you could argue that Avalonia is a mix of Persian and Roman flavor. It has Persian names, but I would argue its method of conquest has more Roman inspirations overall (they did more cultural assimilation, as opposed to the Persian style of mostly leaving local cultures to themselves), along with some Babylonian/Assyrian elements (the population swap of the original Ekestrian nobility). There's also the "emperor as leader of the religion," which relates more to the Roman Empire.

      Versalia itself definitely has multiple inspirations. Culturally, it's a mix of Macedonian and Celtic influences, with a decent edge of Viking and Roman thrown in. For example, the warrior culture and the idea that the king needs to be the best warrior is definitely very Macedonian, but the idea that they're seen by others as barbarians but actually quite civilized by modern standards (bathhouses, cleanliness, generally more forward thinking social structures) is very akin to Vikings. Celtic aspects are seen in the highland culture, the sacred groves, and the music. Roman stuff comes into play mainly with their military, which is probably most akin to the Romans' in organization and capability (sword focus, well suited to rough terrain fighting), and maybe also in terms of integrating outside groups as citizens.

      In that regard, it would probably be wrong to compare Velonia to any IRL continent directly, because as you say, it has elements inspired by various different places.
